What is it about sunrises that are so hard to photograph with an ordinary camera? I guess it's probably mostly about the lens. And since I always have had a regular lens, I've never been able to capture indescribable beauty of the sunrise.
Every school morning, first we drop Emma off at school, then Lyss and I head over to her school. Most mornings, when we drive east towards the main road, the sun is just starting to come up over the horizon and I tell Lyss to look at how beautiful it is.
On this morning, the sunrise was one of the most brilliant, fiery displays I have ever seen. (Naturally, my iPhone does little justice to it.)
"Lyss, look at that sunrise! Isn't it gorgeous?"
"No, it's boootifulll!"
"Well, usually it is beautiful, but today it's gorgeous."
"OOoooohhhhh! Gworjust?"
"Look, Mom! It's gworjust!"
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